Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ballerina Girl

Here's Aulora in her tutu I made her. It was quite a chore to get a picture of her in it where she wasn't trying to eat it. =)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Aulora posed for some pictures today in her room....

Valentine's Day

My parents sent the kids a package for Valentine's and the kids both knew that as soon as John David got home from school it would be time to open it. They were soooo excited!

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"Pineywood Derby"

John David always says pineywood, not pinewood, and it's so cute. The races were last weekend and he had lots of fun! He ended up getting 3rd overall for his age, I think. Here's some video....

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Tooth Fairy Came!

John David recently lost his very first tooth! He was very excited about it and thought it was so cool that the tooth fairy came to see him. The tooth fairy even left him a typed up note telling him what a great tooth it was but not to expect so much money next time - she only leaves lots for the first tooth. (We only had a $10 bill!) =)

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It's Been Awhile

It's definitely been awhile since I've sat down to update the blog. The first reason is that my camera is not cooperating with me (it's taking an hour or more to try to download pictures - time I don't have!) and the second reason is that life is getting more and more busy the older Aulora gets.

She turned 5 months old on Sunday and that's just hard to believe. She's laughing, "talking", getting some hair, almost rolling over (she just can't get her arm out of the way), and eating more than ever. She loves to watch John David and Julia play and often when she laughs it's because of something they're doing. This evening, while I was pushing the basket through Walmart (and all the hundreds of people doing valentine's day shopping) listening to John David and Julia ask for everything and want to know why this and why that or how the end of the Star Wars movie turned out, I looked at Aulora and told her that I sure was glad she didn't know how to talk yet. She smiled sweetly and I think she understood. =) My ears can only take so much! From the rising of the sun 'til the going down of the same the little voices in this house don't stop! That's ok though. I know it will be quiet here all too soon and I'll wish once more for those little voices hollering my name for the hundreth time or screaming because "he blew on me" or because "she took my ninja turtle car". But most of all I'll long for the oh so sweet "I love you, Mommy!" moments, or the times when a little voice whispers in my ear "We're cuddlebugs, Mommy!". They are so so so very sweet that I know all the hard days like this one I've had will melt away.