Friday, July 29, 2011

Then and Now Zoo Trip

Gran and Joshua on the train two years ago

Gran and Joshua on the train this summer

John David two years ago

John David this summer

All four two years ago

All four this summer - I love how their personalities show through in exactly the same way in both pictures!

Monday, July 25, 2011


John baptized the big kids last night!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Zoo Trip

One of the first things we did during our visit to Tulsa was go to the zoo. It was a HOT day, but we toughed it out and had a great time!

I think John David thought this goat had Dumbo ears.

John David and Joshua both really wanted to ride the shark. Big brother got there first, but he gave it up to Joshie. (Not sure if it was because he really loves him or if he didn't want to hear the crying! We'll go with the first one.)

See the caterpillar on his arm?

Now it's on Joshua's shirt!

There were peacocks roaming around.

All four kids rode the camel, but I could NOT - for the life of me!- get a picture of all of them looking at me! I took about 20 shots (as did Sandy) and there was always one of them turned the wrong way.


Here's a video of the caterpillar.....

The Bounce U Trip

A few days ago we went to Bounce U, an indoor place with lots of inflatable things to play on. The pictures aren't that great because everyone was always moving fast plus the camera was always bouncing around. Oh well!

The girls and I (plus a friend) went down the big slide.
I'm not sure why I look terrified.

Now it's Joshua's turn!

Joshua played t-ball pretty well!

Now he's ready to wrestle with Uncle Maka.

Uncle Maka and I were the only adults who got in.
We may have had more fun than the kids! =)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kid's Camp

The big kids and I went to camp with Clay and Sandy's church since that's where we've been for the summer. It was fun!