Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rescued Newborn Bunny

Is it sad I've been singing him lullabyes? We don't know if he will survive. He needs his momma. He won't eat from us. :(

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Day He's Going to Kill Me

When I walked up the stairs a few days ago and saw this sight I couldn't help myself. I just had to get the camera. (Of course he didn't have the courtesy to be so cute in one of the remodeled bathrooms, but that's okay. Yellow is "in" right?)

Doesn't it look so fun to go potty with a shark hat on?

I really don't have anything to say about this last shot. It just amuses me to no end.

I'm sorry, Joshie. Please forgive me. =)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Playing

We've been blessed with lots of neighborhood friends,
so Sunday afternoons are filled with plenty of playing!

Joshua's 4th Birthday

It's March and Joshua's birthday was in January. Yes, well. Moving right along....
We went to Chuck E. Cheese's with just the family during the week so we mostly had the place to ourselves!

He wanted a Star Wars birthday. See his shirt? It says, "Judge me by my size do you?" It's a really cute Yoda shirt from Disney Land. John David was wearing the same one.

Aulora got Joshua this mask. Captain America I think?

Julia gave him his present early (a stuffed talking Yoda) so I don't have pictures of it. She loves giving presents and has a hard time waiting until it's time. =)
John David bought Joshua a little lego set with his own money. He was so proud to give it to him and Joshua loved it!

And of course it came with a free lego lesson.

His present from us was the Batcave.

He wanted that thing for so long and it was so much fun to give it to him! We had him close his eyes and wish really hard for what he wanted. While his eyes were closed I set it in front of him. We were rewarded with some great squeals and smiles!

Thank you, Daddy! I love you!

Mommy made it in a picture!

For the rest of our time there he mostly just played at the booth with his new Batcave. He didn't care about Chuck E. Cheese's at all. =)

Friday, March 23, 2012

So Much To Say

My poor blog. I've neglected you so. I'm so sorry - really I am!

The problem is that I don't know if I can promise things will be like they used to.

It's not you. It's me.

I should at least make an effort to get a few things out in the open. Communication is vital to a healthy relationship. So, my dear blog, here are some updates.....

  • We still have four children. No more on the way at this time.
  • We are still in Indiana, but we are moving to Texas soon. Houston to be exact. John will be working there when he graduates. Which leads to the next point...
  • John graduates in May!!! Law school is almost behind us!
  • We have almost finished one complete school year at home. I'm proud of that accomplishment. I'm amazed. I'm stretched, humbled, and tired. Very tired. ;)
  • All the little things that need to be done in order to sell a house (yardwork, touching up paint, small repairs, etc) are difficult to get to when you're busy drilling spelling words and math facts.
  • My brother and sister-in-law moved to Houston as well as John's parents so we will have family there when we move. Yea! It will help ease the sadness of moving far away from my parents. =(
There's so much more, but this will have to do. At least my blog and I are on speaking terms again....