Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bible Quiz Pictures

Most of these pictures are long overdue! The team has been on a few out of state trips and then of course their local meets. All that is left now is District, Regionals, and then Nationals. We are so proud of them! 

Ready to sled down the hill!

Playing cards with friends after the tournament

Riding the cable car up the incline - a little scary!

The snowy pictures are in Pittsburgh. There were many snowball fights on that trip!

Buffalo Wild Wings

Looking out over Pittsburgh

Playing checkers in the airport gift shop

Pretty snow!


One of the first League meets

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

A Sneaky Sleepover

I went in the girls' room to wake them up this morning and found three little monkeys all in Julia's bed. They had plotted together and somehow snuck Joshua in last night! They were very proud of themselves.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Learning Legos

First he needed a lesson, but now he's doing it!