Saturday, August 31, 2013

School Time is Here Again

Julia is hard at work on her first IEW paper. She's my little perfectionist.
This is Joshua on our first day of CC for the year. He has made incredible improvements since last year. He was very attentive and participated in everything. Last year he mostly just wanted to lay on the floor or hide under the table!
This is our All About Reading and Spelling board at home. Julia had just finished writing a grammar chart.
Joshua likes math!
A closer look at the board shows a special message from Julia. Haha! Mommy agrees! :) (Click the picture if you can't see the whole sentence.)
I've yet to capture a picture of Aulora doing work, but she did take this picture of her crayons. That girl is all about the artwork! 
This is one of my favorites (again, you have to click the picture):

Another message from Julia! My sweet girl!

And if you're wondering about John David, I will have a post about what he's up to next week!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Aulora Steps Up

I went out for a few hours today and left the kids home with John. Julia is out of town so it was just John David, Aulora, and Joshua.

Now, John had work to do so he was on our bed reading and writing.

John David is his own man so he was doing his thing, studying and playing on the computer.

Aulora and Joshua were buddies. They built a Mario Kart track and played with dolls. (Yes, Joshua helps with the dolls. Hush.) They colored and watched Arthur on Netflix. They fed the dog and made some other random messes. And apparently they worked up an appetite.

Aulora decided they shouldn't tell Daddy they were hungry since he was working. So she made their own lunch.

For Joshua, she made a popcorn sandwich, an apple, and a nutrigrain bar.

For herself she found her leftover box of spaghetti and put it on a plate.

She was one proud little girl when she told me all about it. I guess next time I'll leave her in charge instead of Daddy. =)