Friday, June 20, 2014


Aulora: blah blah blah....[random weirdness] blah blah blah

John David: Aulora, stop that! Don't be weird! 

Aulora: [weirdness continues]

Julia: Ugh. Aulora, don't be surprised when you're 27 years old and still not married. Just don't be surprised....

John David: Yeah Aulora. Your husband isn't going to like all this weird stuff you're doing when you get married. 

Julia: IF. If she gets married. I'm telling you Aulora, don't be surprised. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Random Julia Pictures

Here's my girl! Julia is the mini-mom in our house. 
Seriously, I could just lay in bed and she would take care of everything for me! She is precious and sweet and smart and so funny sometimes. I can't wait to see what she becomes! (Currently she's deciding between either a school teacher or the president. I could see either one!)

 This was her Classical Conversations class this school year for 4th grade. 
Her teacher was Mrs. Katy and Julia LOVED her!
 On her 10th birthday she wanted to go to Salt Grass Steakhouse. Her chocolate cake was huge!
 Curly hair for Christmas!
 Ahhh. School work. We no longer have a school room and desks, but our year did start that way. When we moved we lost that extra room and now we work at the kitchen table or on beds our couches or the floor. Or the car. Or wherever else we want!
 Math can be so tiring.
 Look who got contacts in May of 2013!
 Julia earned Memory Master last year and this year both in Classical Conversations. So proud of her! I don't have a picture of her doing it this year for some reason. 
 Since we've spent a lot of time in both Houston and Dallas this year Julia has had so many friends! 
(The two city thing has been a blessing and a curse. I think we are definitely ready to live in just one city.)
 I love those Chuck E. Cheese pictures!
 Sleepover time with church friends in Houston.
 Cousin love!!!
 More friends! These are two of her buddies from our CC group here in Dallas. 
 This was the day I looked over and realized my little girl was quickly becoming a young woman. Whoa!!!
 It was a relief to find her still playing with her dolls!
 She and John David have a great relationship. Hahaha!
And of course, there has to be a picture of her with her two little buddies. She loves these two a ton!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Random Joshua Pictures

 If you've read my blog since way back, you know my posts used to be WAY more frequent and entertaining. Then life happened - mainly homeschool life! So all those entertaining things are still going on around here, but I'm finding it much more difficult to make time to write about it. 
 I realized the other day that I have gone almost a year without sorting and organizing my digital photos! Gasp! So I'm making a great effort to get back on the posting best I can. This post is a sort of catch up post for Joshua.
 My little buddy is 6 1/2 and just finished kindergarten. 
He makes us laugh all day long with the quick witted things he says. 
 This picture was from splash night at church last summer. 
He had fun shooting all his friends with his water gun. 
 He loves to hang out with all his grandparents! This is at Shrimpy's (an awesome little hole in the wall place right by Buc-ee's in Madisonville - try their bread pudding!!!) with Grandmamma and Dodie. 
 Playing the ipad in a box? Why not? 
 He LOVES to build with Legos. His personality is very different from John David's though. John David was always very, very particular about his sets and built them completely on his own from the time he was 4. Joshua isn't at all organized and once a set is built (with help from whomever might be passing by) it will probably never be all together again. 
 This was early in the school year. He was practicing skip counting 2's. 
 He definitely still loves Mommy a lot, but he's Daddy's buddy too! He adores Daddy! 
 Joshua and D were working on a Lego set together. 
(Notice the turtle stuffed animal on the table. The kids loves his turtles!)
 Joshua's buddy Jackson in Houston. 
If only they could be next door neighbors!
 It's a selfie!
He practiced "blob mapping" a lot this year with all the continents and oceans. And of course he did it with a green marker - green continues to be his most favorite!

In Our Car

 In case you've never gone on a ride with us...
 now you can feel like you have.
 Sometimes it gets a little loud.
 Sometimes there is dancing.
 And making fun of Mom kind of dancing.
And sometimes I put on a movie for them, and stick my earbuds in for me.
(Mostly we just listen to our timeline song and our Story of the World CD's though. 
We are super exciting people and that's how we roll.)