Monday, August 28, 2006

Changes, Changes, Changes

It's been 2 weeks since my last post and life has been very different around our house. Good, but different. Bedtime comes early these days - when the sun starts setting it's almost bedtime! And unfortunately, wake up time comes before the sun starts rising. Today was especially hard because it rained all night and was still raining this morning. With the windows open and the skies still dark, it wasn't easy to quit pushing that snooze button. =)
John David is doing well in school. He has had a "happy face day" every day except one so far and he is really learning a lot. They are working on all their vowels as well as simple math. He has memorized The Lord's Prayer, a poem called "I Had a Little Turtle", and a couple of Bible verses already. He loves Thursdays because that's pizza day in the lunchroom and he even gets chocolate milk! How exciting! =) Every other day he takes his lunch with him.
Julia still misses him a lot while he's gone and she's never very happy about taking him to school. Today she stayed in bed and slept while I took him so it's been an easy morning. Picking up John David is the highlight of her day and it's so cute to hear her squeal in delight when she first spots him.
We have less than 6 weeks to go until this little Baby Sullivan is born so I'm keeping myself busy getting ready. I learned my lesson with Julia and this time I plan to be totally ready 3-4 weeks early. In case you're wondering if this baby has a name yet, the answer is no. She won't be named for sure until after she is born and we can see her and hold her. We do have a couple of names that we both agree on and will choose between though. (Another lesson learned from having Julia!)
My duties as children's pastor are winding down and will be totally done within a couple of weeks. Yesterday was my last day to be in charge of Sunday morning Impact service but I will be shadowing my replacement for the next couple of weeks to make sure the transition goes well. Junior Bible Quiz is already out of my hands except for just giving advice and support to the people running it. I'm sure I won't know quite what to do with myself once I'm all done. Maybe I'll go to a big people service! Although, unless there are games, puppets, and some object lessons involving slime or whipping cream, I'm not sure my attention span can handle it anymore. =)Oh, well........

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