Tuesday, July 24, 2007

To All My Garage Sale Friends =)

I'm going to just post here about the garage sale since I know everyone who may participate will be reading this. Here are a few things I wanted you to know:

- Please save all your bags from Walmart or HEB or wherever to use during the sale.
- Please make sure to price your things with only ONE color sticker that is a different color than everyone else's. I am using yellow. As soon as you decide on a color, post it as a comment under this entry. If someone else beats you to a color you'll have to get a different one. There are 7 colors at Walmart.
- Please don't plan on just leaving your stuff and only coming back to collect money (unless you've already cleared it with me). That's just not going to be cool! I don't expect everyone to stay the whole time both days, but I'll definitely need help. =) Besides, it will be fun to hang out!
- Be prepared to contribute to the advertising money. It shouldn't be much - the exact amount will depend on how many people are joining in. I'm looking at $10 for the paper and about $10 more for signs and stuff. $20 divided by 4 or more people isn't much.

That's all I have right now. I'll probably think of more stuff as we get closer.


  1. I get blue! ;) Now getting the stuff there will be a little more complicated!

  2. i will take green and colleen will take blue....if thats ok with a.

  3. Does anybody have dibs on "Buy ME" bright orange? And I was thinking, if it's not too much trouble... I'll just leave my stuff (and my kids) And come back to pick up the money.... (there won't be any money, will there? I know you. You'll probably give it all to the first person that walks by... lol!!)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I was going to put that I have red but la has taken care of that!!! LOL
