Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Help! Help!"

Judging from Farmer in the Dell's last post, I think she can really appreciate the following story. As I've admitted before, I often hallucinate at night. Last night, I'm proud to say wasn't a hallucination at least, but I don't think it was any better.

John came to bed after me and I was already sound asleep. He did, however, jiggle the bed enough getting in that I woke up just a little and went back to sleep. I dreamed then that when he came to bed, he left the hall light on by our room and it was really bothering me. He wouldn't get up to turn it off so I had to do it. (I was definitely dreaming though because I didn't actually get up like I would in a hallucination.) In my dream I got up and for some reason all the switches were in the garage so I had to open that door and go out there. When I opened the door, a boogey man was waiting for me and he grabbed me from behind so I couldn't see him. He immediately tried to cover my mouth so I couldn't scream but I was determined to yell for John.

At this point I let out the loudest, weirdest holler ever. I woke myself up yelling, "Help! Help!" It sounded like a dying cow though. John started shaking me asking what was wrong. I told him my dream and then he asked, "But why did your voice sound like that?" I answered, "Because that man's hand was over my mouth." We both busted out laughing at that moment. I'm still laughing now. I wish I had a recording of my voice yelling. You would pee your pants. I think we laughed for a good 15 minutes or so. Every time we finally stopped, one of us would start again. My stomach hurt when it was all said and done. My husband was kind enough to point out that I must really be out of shape if a good laugh makes my muscles hurt.

I seriously just can't stop laughing about all of it. So I'm smiling big today. Even though today is the day the packing must start. Bleh. I don't even know where to start. Suggestions???


  1. I am trying to stifle my laughter. I'm in the living room with mom and dad who are watching the Discovery shuttle lift off.

    That is too good, though. It hard to laugh quietly.

  2. lol... it's all those CSI shows you're watching...

    packing: start with anything that's already put away cuz you obviously don't use it. move on to seasonal stuff (everyone's summer clothes, pool items, etc) and then continue to the next round of stuff that's already put away. eventually, you'll be down to just a week's worth of clothing, toiletry items, and paper plates! And ALWAYS label the box that has the toilet paper in it!!!! ;)

  3. That was funny. I know just how you feel!!!!!

  4. They seem so very real at the time. Do you ever fall off a cliff and actually reach the bottom. In the dream everything goes blank as if.....except I am thinking am I dead.

  5. I usually don't remember my dreams - I wish I did so I could compete with yours - but I'd probably be an amateur, no match for La.
    You're too funny! I wish for a slumber party before you move. That's what I wish.
    We could paint our toenails, drive around past cute boys' houses, (our own houses...) We could suck down whole cans of easy cheese...
    the possibilities are without limit!
