Thursday, May 08, 2008

Laid or Layed? Either way, that's what our best plans were.....

This morning was a Mom's Breakfast at John David's school from 7:30-9:00. It was a come and go thing so we decided to leave at 8:15. I got up at 6 something to get ready. Then I fed and readied Joshua. Julia was next and lastly John David. (Aulora was and is still sleeping.) While Julia was eating breakfast I was helping John David get ready. From the start he was hunched over in pain saying his stomach hurt. In an effort to determine whether it was real or just "I want to go back to bed" kind of pain, I told him that it was ok if he was sick and we had to miss the breakfast, but if he wanted to go he needed to get ready. I came back in a couple of minutes to find him on the potty with, ahem, the "squirties". (Should this post have a disclaimer? Sorry.) He's only experienced this one other time in his life so he was pretty impressed with the whole thing. (I'll spare more details at this point.) I helped him clean up and get dressed, but before we could go downstairs he had to go again. So we undressed and repeated the whole process. Clock is ticking and it's now 8:35.

Finally, he was dressed and ready again, with spare underoos in his backpack. We were halfway down the stairs when he stopped and his eyes got really big. "What's wrong, Buddy?" (I was dreading the answer.) "I just pooped in my pants! For the first time ever I just pooped in my pants! Aw man!" You would think this would be accompanied by some sense of "Ew gross!" but no, it was more of a "Whoa cool!" kind of attitude.

Back to the bathroom we went - me walking and him kind of waddling with his newfound coolness in tow. Again, I suffered through his impressed comments, his bad sense of timing, and general grossness that only a mom is expected to put up with.

We left the house at 8:45 to drive the 3 minutes to the school. We rushed into the gym to enjoy our 12 short minutes of Mommy Breakfast time, only to find they had already put it all away and wiped down the tables and counter. Now he was crying because he really wanted donuts. (So the truth comes out - it had nothing to do with mommy at all. It was all about the donuts.) I told him we would find a donut place and go on our own. I had to go back home to get money and then we were off.

We walked in the donut place and realized it was owned by the family John tutors for. As I was about to pay, John David said, "My daddy tutors your kids!" I introduced ourselves and the lady was so happy to meet us that she gave us our breakfast for free. (That's always nice!) Our Mommy Breakfast was back on track now and we were enjoying our time.

It was short lived though. John David was about halfway through when he looked up at me and said, "Oh no. I just did it again. Ehhhhhh....." At least he was now displaying the proper sense of disgust. I had nothing to clean him up with so I told him I would take him back home to clean up and change. It must have been one heck of a donut though because he continued sitting there eating it until it was all gone.

We got home, he waddled up the stairs and into the bathroom. I stripped him down and cleaned him up. I made the decision that he should probably stay home for now and so he is currently sitting naked on a towel in the bathroom reading a Star Wars book. I guess all's well that ends well......


  1. I can't decide if that's the grossest or the funniest thing ever.
    The jury's still out.

  2. He's learning pretty early to never trust a fart. did I just type "fart" on your blog? Can I say fart on your blog? I hope I can say "fart" on your blog because I just did. If you'd rather I not say "fart" o your blog, just let me know and all instances of "fart" will be wiped off!

  3. ang, it is definitely the grossest!!

  4. Another great story to keep him from dating till he's old enough for marriage...

  5. great story .....John and I laughed. That is better than T.V.
