Monday, June 02, 2008

Summer Plans, Swimming Suit Blues, Roller Skatin' Fool

Today we were finally able to have a summer kind of day. I've had at least one sick kid constantly since school has been out until today! Bleh. Julia had a fever of almost 104 last week, poor baby.

You'd think with all that staying at home and not going anywhere because of being contagious, I would have at least been thinking up a plan of fun things to do once everyone was well. But alas, I am not that smart. So tonight I have been quite disappointed to find that many of the really cool summer programs for John David are full. I want to take the kids swimming a lot, but that's going to be kind of hard unless I can find a pool that has a kiddie area. The pools that I've found so far don't have that and they also don't allow any kind of floaties - just life jackets. That's no good for us. PLUS, you can't take in your own food and drinks!

And of course, there's the swimsuit dilemma. As in, I don't have one. If there's any one thing I deplore shopping for, it would have to be a bathing suit. Do I a) go for the skirted one that covers up more of me but ages me 15 or 20 years? Or do I b) get a really cool looking, more modern suit that may will most definitely show just how badly I need to go on a diet? OR c) Just wear an extra large long black tee shirt over whatever old swimming suit I can find on the clearance rack? I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Some things we want to do here in town this summer:
  • train museum
  • butterfly conservatory
  • pick blackberries at the farm and/or go to the farmer's market
  • castaway cove water park
  • Kell House Museum (an old house - think plantation style - that's still furnished and in tact)
  • picnic at the park
  • swim swim swim
  • ride the trolley around town
Now I just have to figure out how to add these things in to the normal everyday things like cooking, shopping, cleaning, bathing (ok, I admit it, bathing is not an everyday thing here. there's just not always time! we have lots of washcloth baths before bedtime.).

Tonight I cooked mickey mouse spaghetti (mickey shaped pasta!) and we ate outside. Then we played for a long time. John David got some roller skates today so he was rolling around on those while the girls played with the riding toys. That boy wore his skates all afternoon and night until I made him take them off for bedtime. He was so cute! He's really gotten pretty good at it too. It's just amazing how many things he's learning in such a short period of time. I should also mention that he's now playing the piano. He seems to really enjoy sitting down and practicing his songs. I'll put a video up soon.........


  1. We went to Minicipal Pool today and missed you. We laughed about how cruel you were last summer to bring brownies (enough for everyone) to the pool - forcing us to stare at a brownie and think about wearing swimsuits all at once. So mean!

    Melissa also told me about your swimsuit quandary post. To cover or not to cover. Date yourself or be cool.
    Melissa went commando (without a coverup) I chose to look like a 40-something and cover my goods, or bads - whichever the case may be.

    I am glad your summer is shaping up to be a lot of fun!

  2. I recommend commando. It is freeing. Of course in my case others had to suffer for my 'freeing experience'.

  3. i agree with melissa (who looked super hot, in my opinion) -- let it go! i'm sure you're bathing suit will not offend anyone. people will sit around and wonder how on earth that beautiful, slender woman has four children and looks so good. i too let it hang out yesterday at the pool. and i think my top was a little too big so i may have been hanging out more than we truly appropriate... and angela didn't look 40-something. super hot and bronzed it was comes to mind. :)

    yea for summer swimming with the kids!

  4. there are literally 3 typos in that comment. ay.

  5. I just bought my very first tankini! I have stretch marks :( from lila and a bikini just wouldn't cut it anymore. I got mine at Target! Its brown and skirted. covers it all but still cute. I still have a few pounds to lose..

    btw- this is laura- adri's sister :)
