Friday, November 14, 2008

The Highway From H*ll

I'm not sure I can adequately describe what transpired in my car between 1:25 and 2:05 yesterday, but it was straight out of the Twilight Zone. All I can tell you is that I was downtown and needed to go to a different part of town. I was stuck on the same stretch of highway for all of that time and couldn't find my way off. Instead of naming all the different highways names, they use numbers and I can't keep them straight. I kept trying to exit only to find myself going completely the wrong direction. It would not be truthful to say I kept my cool either. In fact, I'm pretty sure I had a nervous breakdown. John was trying to help me over the phone, but he wasn't quite right on the exit number so I was jacked up yet again. And then he laughed at me. Or maybe I should say with me, since I was laughing at myself in the midst of my crying fit. It was horrible!

Then, when I finally found my way off the highway from H*LL, I came upon this:

Traffic was completely stopped as workers tried to figure out what to do. I had my window down at first to look at it and take a picture, but then the wind shifted and waves of water came shooting in. My electric window just couldn't go up fast enough at that point!

The end result of all of the weirdness was a messy mascara face and a very late mommy picking up her babies from preschool/mother's day out. I should probably avoid all highways for awhile.....

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