I'm too tired to separate the different thoughts that are jumbling through my head. So I give to you a late night potluck post:
School was canceled today. The roads here are all very icy, and I have no doubt that is true since I watched people (who for some reason or another felt they
had to get out) slide all around in their cars today. I heard the distinct sound of two cars smashing into each other too. I've learned that sound since living near a street.
(On that note I will take a moment to say that although I wasn't sure how I would feel about it beforehand, I kind of like living right off a main road. The front of our house doesn't face it, so I can look out those windows and just see pretty neighboring houses. But our kitchen sink window is on the side of the house so you can watch the intersection if you look to the right. I like it. I feel connected and safe. I don't feel as alone as I think I would feel otherwise with John being gone so much. It's soothing to watch the cars go by.)
Anyway, I was alone in the house with four children all day long. I was with
all four of them
by myself, with nobody else, the
whole day. (Was that redundant? Sorry.) It was not a short day! In all honesty though, they really were pretty good. They played and played and then played some more. We made dinner and read a book and watched American Idol. Julia is a pretty good judge of who can sing and who can not. If my five year old can recognize bad singing, why can't these other people? Amazing.
I checked online tonight and much to my, uhm, delight, school is canceled again tomorrow! So we're going to make the most of it and learn a new game we got for Christmas, make popcorn and watch a movie, bake some blueberry muffins, and I don't know what else. The main goal is just to keep everyone occupied enough that they don't try to eat each other!
I've been listing and selling some things on craigslist. Man I love that site! I started listing my maternity clothes on there, but I think I'm going to bite the bullet and sell them on ebay. It's such a hassle to mess with that, but the money will be so much better I think. I've also got tubs and tubs of baby clothes to start listing. Such a love hate thing I've got going on with ebay.
I bought a different detergent and I keep smelling myself, or rather my clothes. Every so often I catch myself sniffing my shoulder or my arm. I'm glad nobody else is here to see this odd behavior. It's just weird to not smell like my normal self. Please don't think I'm a weirdo now.
I think I was poisoned yesterday with a peanut butter granola bar. No, seriously. I ate one and within an hour I was sooo sick feeling. The worst part was that I took the kids to Walmart right after eating it so I was sick the whole time we were grocery shopping. We had to finish though because I knew the icy weather was coming. As soon as we got home I brought in the bags, put away the stuff that couldn't wait, put Joshua down for a nap, changed Aulora's poopy diaper, gave the girls some lunch, and then,
THEN, was able to lay on my bed with a bowl. Isn't it amazing that even when moms are sick, they still have to take care of everyone else first. I couldn't even throw-up in peace. The girls were asking for things (Polly Pocket needs her dress on, Can I have a juice box?, I wanna watch cartoons, whah, whah, whah!) even as I was in the midst of being sick (and I mean that as an action verb). After that and then a nap (while the babies napped too), I felt mostly all better. So strange. I think I'm going to throw out the rest of those granola bars.
Shhhh.....Joshua turned one on Sunday, but we're not telling him that! We're waiting until Daddy gets home next week to celebrate. Such a big, excuse me, BIG guy he is!
I can't figure out when to vacuum. I can't do it when kids are sleeping because it will wake them up. I can't do it when they are awake because their toys are everywhere. This has become a dilemma in my house. My temporary solution has been to not vacuum. Problem solved.
Aulora is finally weened off of a bottle. Please keep all negative comments to yourself. I know she's two and it's bad for her teeth and all that other stuff. I've just had a busy year! ;) When she was with Clay and Sandy, they just told her they didn't have any bottles there and that was that. It wasn't quite that easy once she got home and saw Joshua with his, but we're making it. It's getting easier every night. Thanks, Gran! (now if I can just send her there to get potty trained!)
I going to go to bed now and sniff my pajamas some more. At least I don't have to get up super early in the morning! Yea!