Friday, January 23, 2009

Lazy La Learns Her Lesson

Yesterday, when it was time to register for my defensive driving online, I had to enter my license plate number. I didn't want to go outside and look and I thought I remembered it. I entered it in and went on. Everything has been going great, even the validation questions where they ask you personal things about your car and driver's license, until this morning. My answers were all wrong for the validation part! They locked me out until I called support.

I entered the wrong plate number when I registered! By mere coincidence, someone else with the last name Sullivan has the number I entered so it didn't raise any red flags. Dumb, lazy me.

Now I have to go to Mimi's house to print a form, go to the bank and get it notarized, and then go to Office Max to have it faxed to them - all to verify that I am indeed the La.

Always go look at your plate number. Better yet, memorize it.

Lesson learned.


  1. That is something that would happen to me.

    And I also do the food stashing. Sometimes I tell my husband to hide is somewhere. And then I FREAK out because I can't find it when I need it. Stupid, eh?!

  2. I did all that last Fall. Dh was feeling out the form and asked for my dl# and I gave him my ss#. It screwd the whole thing up for me. Dumb, dumb.

    Oh, and you must have angel children. There is no way I'd attempt to teach lessons with my kids in the house. I can barely have a phone conversation with them around. Thanks for the encouragement though.

  3. So this makes me feel even more strange that, not only do I memorize my own plates, but I also tend to memorize at least a few digits of my friends' license plates. You know, so I can tell if I'll run into them when I go into WalMart or something...
