Sunday, May 24, 2009


  • Julia lost her first two teeth!
  • Joshua is walking finally - life is better
  • We've endured bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, spider bites, scraped up knees, injured backs, and sprained ankles + several doctor visits and a couple ER visits too
  • We saw the Lion King Broadway show (our second time but still wonderful!)
  • Our house is on the market as of last Tuesday
  • Living in a state of perfection is near impossible with so many kids - we need a contract fast!
  • The fence is done and we're loving playing outside. We didn't really have a back yard for the kids when we lived with John's parents and even our house before that didn't have an ideal yard for kids to play in. I hope to never be without a good yard again!
  • My parents just came for a 4 day visit. That's a long time for them and it was awesome.
  • Mosquitoes are eating us up here
  • I wish I was a bear so I could hibernate for a few months. That sounds really great.
  • This is the last week of school. I'm not terribly excited about that.
I guess that's all the ground breaking news I have for now. You can wake up now. =)

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