Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here's to the Pile-Up

I don't know about other bloggers, but if I don't blog for a couple of days it is really hard to get going again. I get overwhelmed thinking about all that I need to post about. It starts to pile up and then it's just tiring.

What is also tiring, though, is my husband who will casually wonder if my blog is dead. If I'm ever going to post again. He apparently checks for updates regularly throughout the day while "studying" at school. (Hi, Baby!)

So, this post is my way of easing back in and thinking about what I'll be posting about soon - with no pressure. (pressure makes it worse.) Here's my blogging to do list for the next week or so:

  • Costume fun (four kids in costumes - that has to equal fun right?)
  • John David's birthday
  • Julia's birthday
  • Aulora's unending jealously of everyone else's birthday (probably not actual post material but it's definitely been quite the reality)
  • visit from the grandparents
  • possibly some ND football game pictures
  • basement pictures (not because it's magazine worthy, but just because it went from being cement walls and floors to our favorite place in the house!)
  • some of my new favorite things in the kitchen
  • my favorite new cleaning thingie (why in the world is "thingie" not a recognized word?)
  • pictures of the coolest fall contraption (don't lose sleep over this one - I'm just easily impressed)
  • what Julia did that made me cry
  • what Joshua did that made me swoon with love
  • what John David did that made me a super proud Momma
  • what Aulora does that makes me laugh
  • Oh, oh, and what Julia made at church that is so very amusing
I'm thinking that's enough for now. Remember, no pressure.......


  1. I completly relate! Good Luck with all that;)

  2. I think it's spelled thingy. Though I just got a red line under that too, so I'm not sure.
