Monday, April 25, 2011

Attempted Easter Pictures

Easter was wonderful.

Easter pictures, however, not so much.

We tried.

And tried.

But between bright sunshine issues, cranky children, and one child who thought funny faces would actually be funny....

This is the best we could do.

Other than Joshua, the picture with my parents turned out pretty well.

Aulora felt the need to take a bow.

Thank you, Gran, for the beautiful clothes!

John David - of course he doesn't make the goofy faces here.

Julia is usually the easiest to take pictures of.

She's getting so tall!

Joshua, on the other hand, had NO desire to have his picture taken. He turned his back on the camera.

He hid his face with a stuffed animal.

This is what I was finally able to get.
I bet you can't guess who the cranky kid was.


  1. I LOVE your picture posts! You have such a beautiful family :D And how boring would it be if everyone posed the right way all the time? Totally boring! Your kids are too cool for that ;)
