Seven things you never knew about me and now wish you didn't. Or as you put strange/weird/crazy things about me....
(I'm pretty strange so you get a whoppin' ten things. I could have given you soooo many more things.)
1. I hate shower curtain liners - unless they are brand new and never used. They're just gross and if any part of my body happens to come in contact with one while showering, I freak out. My worst nightmare is to be murdered and then wrapped up in a yucky shower curtain when my body is dumped.
2. I will not touch a toilet handle. Not mine, not yours. It doesn't matter if I just cleaned it with bleach. I can't bring myself to touch it. I always use toilet paper to flush.
3. Do not use my bar of soap. Ever. If you do, I'll throw it away. I don't care who you are. Not even my husband is allowed to touch it. And I can always tell if he has. I have a sixth sense.
4. If I touch something with one hand my other hand feels left out and has to touch it also. This also applies to my fingers. If one finger gets to push a button on the radio, the nine other fingers also want to touch a button. This is really annoying but I guess my body has very sensitive feelings.
5. Bottoms of shoes freak me out. Mine, yours, my kids. All shoes. It's just incredibly gross when you think about all the places those shoes have been. Feet I don't mind so much, just the shoes. For this reason, you will find a shoe shelf outside our door in the garage filled with shoes. My family is trained to take off shoes before ever entering the house. They do it at other people's houses too. All of our youth group was trained too. =)
6. I LOVE rubbermaid tubs. (Well, actually Sterelite brand. I'm cheap.) Everything seems so much nicer and organized when it's in a tub. And if there's a label that was printed off the computer describing the contents, I'm even happier. I would put my children in tubs if I could. Their labels would read "Thing One", "Thing Two", and "Thing Three".
7. My bladder has a horrible warning system. I get about 5 seconds notice I have to go to the bathroom. As a result, I have many (much more than I would care to admit) stories of wetting my pants. No, I'm not sharing any during this post. Maybe I'll work up the courage another time. (And this is when I'm NOT pregnant. Imagine the excitement when I'm with child.)
8. I'm obsessed with matching hangers. I don't keep store or dry cleaner hangers. If I had lots of money, I would get those nice wooden ones. As it is, our closets all have the thick white plastic ones. And of course the clothes have to all face the same way. (Ahem, A.) Before I had kids, I even had clothes divided by color and within the colors there were the different seasons or styles. I like my closet to look like a store. Now that I have 3 kids, I have to settle for neat, orderly, and matching hangers. Colors and such just can't be a priority right now. One day.....
9. I get goose bumps a lot. I get them when I'm cold. I get them when I feel dirty and need a shower. I also get them when I need to go to the bathroom - see, I told you I get them a lot.
10. I have super duper long toes. Even better, I have a second toe that is longer than the first. Sorry, Amy, I invented the toe pinch. I seriously don't think I would have too much trouble if I ever lost all my fingers. My toes could do it all.
***1,2, and 5 are due in large part to the fact that when I was a teenager, my parents bought me a "bacteria farm". Some kids had ant farms. Not me. What kind of parent buys their kid something like that??? I was able to take samples from all kinds of things from around the house and then watch bacteria from my samples grow in little petri dishes. I've never been the same. Can you blame me? It really does explain a lot, doesn't it? =)