Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I kept the kids home from church tonight since they're still getting over whatever they've been sick with. Everyone else is gone and the relative quiet is so nice. Granted, my kids are often a lot of the noise, but everyone else adds to it, plus more people just make the kids louder. Their uncle tickles them, their grandparents play with them, and so on. So it's nice to have an empty house with the tv off and only the sound of them slurping up their dinner. Ahhhhh......

I finally bought a laundry basket today. Nothing fancy - just a round white basket so I don't have to carry our dirty clothes through the house dropping dirty underwear along the way. It was great to use it today. How is it that I'm thrilled with such small things?

Aulora is so addicted to "Lil' Crunchies" by Gerber. They're like cheese puffs for toddlers. They cost $1.68 for one can of them and let me tell you - the child can eat a whole can in one sitting. No joke. She LOVES them. I could go broke buying this snack. But it's kind of worth it if you need to get anything done. They're also a lifesaver at the grocery store for a restless little one. $1.68 well spent if you ask me. =)

I think I bonded with one of the dogs tonight. He jumped up in my lap (without invitation) and made himself comfortable. Normally I would have dumped him back to the ground, but I decided to give him a chance. It wasn't half bad. I miss the purring of a cat, but he was so content and cuddly that I didn't mind so much. His name is Phantom and he's an all black cocker spaniel. John's parents have had him since he was a puppy because his mother was one of their former dogs. They still have his father and one brother. Too much information? Yeah, probably. Sorry.

John David earned his first Book-It award for the month of November. That brought back some memories. I used to LOVE going to Pizza Hut for my own pizza from Book-It! The program really has helped him make a habit of reading and he's enjoying it too. Tonight he sat on the couch and read 3 books out loud to Julia. Mommy got a break. =)

For whatever reason, they are both sitting behind me now, biting my shirt and and occasionally my back. Gross. What's wrong with these kids???

John finished classes for this semester today. They didn't even have a Christmas party. What's up with college? I would have gladly made some cookies for him to take. =) We're so glad this semester is over for now!

Is anyone else super excited about the Chipmunk movie coming out? I think I'll cry when we see it because I loved the chipmunks so much growing up. And the Christmas song is on there! I really can't wait to see this movie! And the National Treasure movie too. The best part is that we finally have grandparents around to help with the kids so we can actually go to the theater. What a luxury!


  1. I can't wait to buy national treasure 2 I have the first one and LOVE watching it! Have you ever seen of mice and men? That is another Great book! yes i said GREAT book. I'll read it over and over and cry at the ending every time. Ya know this reading thing isn't so bad! Thanks for getting me into it! There are so many great books out there!

  2. ellie loves those snacks too! LOVES! the store brand cherrios are SO much cheaper, but the puffy things are much more yummy. i love the flavors.

  3. i love this post. so funny. i especially love the part about your kiddos sitting behind you biting on your shirt and back. i can just see you sitting there typing away as they giggle behind you. so cute!

  4. why DON'T they have parties in college? That's why I'm in such a hurry to get out. People have parties at work all the time, right?

  5. Those are so the two movies I am excited about! I also want to see enchanted!
