sick, but I am. Sometimes I lay around thinking how luxurious it must be to be sick without having to take care of kids. Staying in bed, watching tv all day, sleeping whenever I felt like it, not having to get dressed - basically just doing whatever my body felt like doing. Anyone who's a mom knows that is SOOOO not the case when there are kids involved.
It's especially aggravating when my two youngest are on opposite nap schedules. As soon as I've played with Joshua for a couple hours and get him to sleep then it's Aulora's turn to be awake. When she's ready for her nap, then Mr. Man is waking up ready to be fed. If there is ever a time when they are both miraculously asleep at the same time, well then you know I have to go pick up John David from school or make peanut butter crackers for Julia.
Oh to be kidless and sick. Absolute paradise, I'm sure....