Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another First Day

Three years ago I took my first baby to his first day of kindergarten. I'll never, ever forget that day. This post still makes me all weepy!

Here they are for this year's first day of school yesterday morning! John David started third grade and Julia started kindergarten.

Here's John David for his first obligatory "first day of school" shot.

And here's Julia for hers (Notice the new grown-up hair style without any bows because she is apparently too old for them now. I did put them in her hair today though!)

This is a quick shot of John David in his classroom. I wanted to take more pictures, but I was afraid I would embarrass him. His class has seven students and his teacher has been teaching for 28 years. She seems like a wonderful lady so far!

Julia's class is a little bigger with either 12 or 13 students, I think. Her teacher has been teaching for about 15 years and is so sweet. Her room looks like a lot of fun!

Their day starts with prayer with the principal over the intercom.

Do they look older after their first day or is it just me?

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