Thursday, April 08, 2010

Potowatomi Zoo Trip

Spring break is later here - I guess so the weather will be more enjoyable? Monday was in the 70's so we headed down the street to the zoo. Seriously, it's at the end of our street! By the time we found a parking place I realized we should have just walked.

We rode the train around the zoo.

John David showed off his bigness on this tree stump.

Joshua did not want to show off his bigness. He prefers the ground.

The girls stood still for a picture outside the entrance.

Sweet sisters on the train.

Julia is always ready for her picture to be taken. She loves it.

I tried hard to get a picture of all of them on that stupid turtle. The turtle was hot and there was a line of other camera toting parents waiting for us. And my kids could not get along long enough to be squished together on a steaming hot amphibian.

What's up with that? I finally gave up. My home will not be graced with the traditional "kids sitting on a sculpted animal" picture. Boo.

They thought the ground hogs were fun.
(Or were they prairie dogs? I can't remember.)

I personally loved the flamingos. They kept coming to this fence and walking along it. Then they would duck down and come back up as if to say "boo!". We were pretty sure one of them was going to peck John David's head!

John David was secretly plotting how he was going to pet one of them.

Up close.

Of course, the boy was much too cool to ride with the rest of us on the train. At first he sat alone near the back. I was able to talk him into coming up and sitting in front of us at least. Poor guy. It must be so bothersome to have a mom and brother and sisters who aren't as cool as you....

1 comment:

  1. Down the street, aren't you lucky? If it's warm enough to go, I suppose.
    We are moving to Jersey, because of the Coast Guard. In the CG you move every 4 or 5 yrs, so noone is stuck in a horrible place for too long. Obviously San Diego, was not one of the horrible ones. :)
    We are excited about the east coast, it's a change which will be nice. And we are obviously excited about our home, the fact that it's in Jersey (well, I just try not to think about that). :)
