Friday, April 16, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Dessert

A couple of weeks ago I made chocolate cookie cheesecake for the staff and teachers at the kids' school.

Spring had come and that seemed like a good enough reason to make some cheesecake! I plated it up and added a little bit of ribbon and a little bird on each one. The bird was some free art I found online - I just added the words and cut it out with my creative memories circle cutting tool thing-a-mabob. (I should totally be a consultant for that company because I sound very knowledgeable, don't you think?)

John asked if it was a peace offering because they had to take care of John David all day. Very funny, Daddy.


  1. Really wishing I was your kids teacher right now!

  2. Do you think 5 is a good age to start a child in piano lessons? I mean from a money point of view. If you start later do they catch up to the child that started earlier?

  3. Meems - My opinion is that unless you have a very talented kid or a prodigy, you're probably better off waiting. At 5, a child's hands are still small and they are still mastering so many basic concepts (sometimes even abc's). I've taught 5 year olds before and it's always slow and somewhat tortuous. =) I just started Julia in the last couple of months and she has soared through the primer book. If I had started her at 5 with a teacher, we would have paid for a year's worth of lessons to get her through that primer book.

    I'm sure some would disagree with me, but in most cases I think it's best to wait. 6 seems to be a much better age. Starting early doesn't hurt but since you asked for the money perspective - wait! =)

  4. Thanks, I figured and Wendy told me that. She is quick at lots of other things, which is why I was even considering it. Money talks and we are going to wait.

  5. Um, yes you can come to my school too. Seriously, you are too thoughtful (and crafty).

  6. Oh does that look good! :) That was so nice of you!
