Sunday, August 12, 2007

I Refuse

I am making a decision NOT to become addicted to digital scrapbooking. I tried it today and loved it. I was even able to create a beautiful page. We already own Adobe Photoshop so I wouldn't even have to buy any software.

But I cannot spend my whole day on the computer! So even though I really would like to make awesome looking pages that could be printed or bound in a beautiful book, I will not.

Man, there's just not enough time to do all the things I want to do. Boohoo. I'll be content with blogging, a good book every now and then, and the occasional Ebay purchase. The rest of my time I'm going to be a mommy and clean and maybe even cook (much to John's delight!). =)

(I'm not against scrapbooking. This is just what I have had to decide for me personally. I can't do it all!)


  1. you're gonna think i'm just jumpin on your bandwagon - but I had already decided that this too was my fate.
    Although the value of such an artform is indisputable - I cannot afford the time it would take to complete the tasks.
    this goes back to the theory of doing a few things well...
    Let's go have lattes instead.

  2. I still have high hopes. But, not this week. Maybe the week after.

  3. you can scrapbook on line?? I must have been out sick that day. lol
