Monday, August 20, 2007

Late Night Rambling.....

What a great day - we got SOOOO much done! I've been very tired lately and any cleaning I've done has been because I just can't stand dirty, not because I had any desire whatsoever to clean. (And yes, I do usually have the desire to clean. I know I'm weird. And no, my desire is only for my own house. It really doesn't extend to anyone else's. Sorry.) Today I woke up with a cleaning streak in my blood and I went to town. Now, going to town with little kids around isn't quite as productive but it was pretty good. I cleaned the bathrooms, dusted, took out the trash, did laundry, vacuumed the floors and under the couch cushions, vacuumed the floor board cracks, swept, went grocery shopping, and cooked dinner. Then I bathed 2 kids and got them to bed. Whew!

John had his share of work and he got the lawn mowed, the trees trimmed (so it doesn't sound like we have a beaver living on our roof anymore) and the big long dryer vent pipe cleaned out. I'm talking about the one that goes from our laundry room out to our roof. It was quite the project and it's unbelievable how much lint came out. He's convinced it has never been done in all the 25 or so years this house has been around. Did you know you're supposed to clean that out? I think a lot of people don't. You should do it though - it makes your dryer much more efficient and saves lots on your electric bill. Besides that, it's a fire hazard not to clean it out. Bob told me once that that's one of the biggest causes of house fires. Who knew?

Oh, after ALL that (which is a whole lot even if it doesn't sound like it) John had music practice at the church. He's still there now. I don't think I'll be awake when he gets home. I'm too tired....

**Dinner tonight was good. I found a great caesar dressing by Marie Calendar in the produce section. I think the bottle actually says "Marie's" in case you try to find it. I'll probably post the new dinner recipe I tried sometime tomorrow. It was easy, fairly quick, and is great for adults and kids both. Hopefully my recipe will appease the Meems....... =)


  1. Well as good as all that sounds, and it does sound like a well-rounded day, you should seriously consider taking it easy and hanging out with me on one of my last days to be jobless...
    I would love to tutor you on the finer points of vacuumming out your floorboard cracks but I, for one, am so on top of it, that job was done several days ago... It is but a distant memory.
    (that was a bold-faced lie)
    Kudos to you, my friend!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay....just call my secretary and have her set it up. =)

  4. Oh, and no fair deleting comments! Now I won't even be able to sleep.....What did she say? What did she say? What did she say?

  5. I remember when I used to vacuum. Now sadly:)I can't. Joshua and Faith cry and need to be held. So I hold the kids while N. vacuums.

    I will say, I also got alot done today. Maybe it is in the air.

  6. holy moly! that's a crazy list of things to do. i think stay at home mom's may have one of the hardest jobs in the world! i bet you felt great afterwards. i always do!

    ps-that ceasar dressing sounds delicious!
