Monday, December 03, 2007

Met My Doctor

I finally met my new doctor for the first time even though I've already had 3 or 4 appointments here. She's really nice, although I liked my old doctor better for sure. A c-section is looking more and more likely =( but we'll have to wait and see how all the timing works out. I only gained 1 pound in the last 3 weeks so that was nice. I like that nurse who weighed me. =)

On another note, this doctor's office sends you home with the little urine sample container to bring back filled on your next appointment. So I got to do something I had never done before today. Carry pee around. How lovely.


  1. I wonder why they do that. Pregnant women always have to use the restroom.


    Just so long as the kids don't get into it I guess:)

  2. Just so it doesn't get stolen out of your purse and someone drinks it for "wine"....... Miss you all!

  3. Oh, how nice!!!

    One more thing to keep little hands off of, huh?

  4. So did she determine that you were, in fact, pregnant with that urine sample? I've been skeptical.

  5. I am sure this was a real adventure, knowing how much you enjoy cleanliness.

  6. lol Hope they have a "spill" proof lid for it!

    two words - Germ X !!!
