Monday, June 18, 2007

Who Knew???

Who knew two little tiny teeth could cause such a disruption in my life? Friday morning arrived along with Aulora's first teeth. They both decided to pop up at the same time. I don't remember either of my other kids going through much of anything that would constitute the dreaded teething time. But Aulora has schooled me in this area. It's not fun.

I haven't been able to put her down much at all. In fact, just typing this blog entry is a pretty big deal. (Which kind of goes to show just how addicted to this stupid blog I am. I haven't even had a chance to take a shower or brush my hair yet, but here I am, typing on my blog.) Aulora is normally a terrific sleeper and sleeps in her own bed all through the night and for a really long nap during the day. But now she wakes up as soon as I try to put her down. (I'm sure the shrieks of my older two putting ice balls down each other's pants didn't help the situation.) So anyway, for anyone still holding out on the notion that I'm perfect and my house is perfect, please don't come over this week. You're little dream world would be so very disturbed. It's 2 in the afternoon and I'm still wearing my pajamas, my house is not so very clean, and my kids are all parked in front of cartoons eating breakfast #2.

The best teething tip I can offer to other moms at this point is to wet a baby washcloth and put it in the freezer. Let it freeze and then give it to your baby. This has allowed me my first break in 3 1/2 days. How perfectly wonderful.....

I'm off to attempt a shower. And maybe even get dressed and comb my hair. I'm excited. =)


  1. been there and done that so your not alone.

  2. unfornately both of my children had all their teeth come in at two at a time! I feel your pain! And that's why they're only little for so long :)
