Saturday, May 03, 2008

Friday Night

Last night we had a big birthday party for John's brother, Matt (aka Maka). I was a little too busy trying to keep up with all my kids to take pictures but Sandy took this one. Aulora thought she was such a big girl sitting at the table with the other kids!

We had about 10 very scary minutes when we couldn't find Julia anywhere. And I do mean anywhere. There were LOTS of people looking inside and outside for her and she was nowhere to be found. I kept seeing that pond right across from the house and having horrible thoughts. And then I was imagining that some person drove by and grabbed her quietly. My mind was racing, compiling a description of her and wondering how long it would take to get an Amber Alert up and going. My feet could not go fast enough and my voice could not holler loud enough to find her. I didn't know what had happened and it was a terrible, awful thing.

Finally I heard someone holler out that they had found her. I wanted to see her for myself. By the time I got back to the driveway, John had already taken her upstairs to talk to her. She had gone off behind the neighbor's house with the neighbor's granddaughter and she hadn't told anyone. The grandpa thought Julia had permission to be with them.

There is nothing like losing your child to make you want to hold them and love them. I was so emotionally stressed out after that - it took me a very long time to get to sleep last night. That's why I'm tired today. But at least I have my little girl......

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she's okay!

    When Betty was barely-4, she fell into a pool while we were at a birthday party. There were so many people there that we didn't notice she was missing -- and nobody noticed her in the pool for a moment, either. My cousin finally saw her (completely submerged) and jumped in fully clothed. She was fine, but I can still remember the complete terror I felt when we all realized where she was. It can happen so quickly, and the fact that something that awful can go unnoticed, even in a large group of people, is really scary.

    Hug her tight.
