Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bathtime and Babies

Here's Aulora taking a bath. This is before I wet her hair. One day I'll have to remember to take a picture of this child when she wakes up in the morning. Talk about some crazy hair!

Ok, now the hair is wet. The girls normally take their bath together and they play really well. This time Aulora took a bath by herself and she wasn't too amused. She wanted out after about 2 minutes. I usually have to pull her out of the cold water as she shrieks to stay in longer.

Aulora's love these days is dolls. She calls them all "baby" and carries them around everywhere. It's absolutely adorable. Julia never played with dolls too much - I guess because she had an older brother. I'm soooo loving watching her be a little mommy to her babies.

Her favorite place to play is on the balcony. I guess she likes the view. She will take a doll or a couple of toys and be content for a long time. It's right by our desk and computer on the landing so I can keep an eye on her. If anyone is down in the living room then she waves and chatters to them. Life is just so exciting when you're 1!


  1. She is really sweet. It's sad I don't know her like I knew the older ones.

  2. She's getting so big! What a doll!
    I dig the 'before' picture in the bathtub!
    yes, Chris told me you called - but the minute I got in the house we turned around to take the kids to my parents house and when we got home, it was too late to call...
    I'll be calling you back though:)
