Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Not Too Great of a Day

I'm not having a good day. Not sure why. I'm just not. It's 11:00 and Joshua just went to bed. Aulora was awake until about 35 minutes ago. I'm worn down.

It's been one of those "busy nonstop but get nothing done" kind of days. My bed barely got made and there's laundry all over my room and couch, both clean that needs to be put away and dirty that needs to be washed. (Be thankful if you have your own washer and dryer and especially be thankful if you have a washer and dryer that is near your room.)

Aulora grabbed a porcelain shoe that was given to Joshua and threw it in the toilet before I could stop her. It broke on the way in there. This happened when I was already very frustrated and sweaty just trying to get all the kids out the door. That shoe is still sitting in there now and I'm about to wet my pants because I can't use the toilet until I get it out.

There are bigger things that aren't quite alright that I try not to think about. Some days those things tend to surface more and it makes for a hard day. Today was just one of those days. As a result, I hate to admit that I yelled at my kids. I was too rough and not as patient as I should have been.

I'll hug them harder in the morning. I'll pour on the sweet and try to make up for it. They've already forgotten about it and won't hold it against me though, I'm sure.

Tomorrow's another day.
Fresh grace.
New mercy.

Thank you, Jesus.


  1. My friend, we all have those days.
    You are just such a pillar, you have them less often than the rest of us...
    I love you and I wish I could be there to fish the shoe out of you toilet and to help get the kids out the door.
    What a day!
    Lots of hugs to you.
    I miss you so, so much.

  2. You do seem to have them less frequently than the rest of us. I am sorry that you had to have a day like that at all.

    If it makes you feel any better...

    I raised my voice yesterday. I had to take the kids shopping and that always wears me down. Josh pulled Faiths hair about 2 million times.

    My bed never gets made, unless I have company or wash the sheets.

    I most certainly know what you mean about the bigger things showing through. I will pray that those bigger things begin to resolve themselves.

  3. hang in there la! this too will a kidney stone! lol lol lol

    we all have days like these. mine just last for 2 weeks at a time!

  4. I love you baby girl! I wish I were there to help you.

  5. Ok, you have four kids and yell at your kids so unfrequently that you blog about the one time you do? I think I have some prayer and fasting I need to do.

  6. I have to say that I never yell at my kids. (Don't ask my roomate's dog how often I yell at her though.)
