Friday, March 14, 2008

Trying so hard....

It is next to impossible to pack for a trip while taking care of kids at the same time. They cart off clothes from piles you've made. They hide things, spill things, get into things. They want to eat, need to nap, have to nurse, got to poo.

We want to leave when John David gets out of school. I should probably start praying for a miracle. Speaking of miracles - we'll need one for sure when it's time to load the van. I love our mini-van with the exception of the "mini" part. We are too many. Somehow we have to fit 6 people, 4 car seats, all our bags, a stroller (preferably a double but I'll take the single), and the pack'n'play. To borrow a line from Seinfeld, "Sweet mother of pearl!" I'm sure pictures will be in order.

My littlest is finally asleep so into bed he will go. I wish I was going there too. =) I'm tired. Whaaaa.

1 comment:

  1. honestly, i dont know how you get anything done and stay sane at the same time. you are currently my hero. any time i feel overwhelmed by the duties of motherhood, i think of you and promptly stop whining. i've said it before and i'll say it again- when i grow up, i want to be you...
