Sunday, March 02, 2008

Pink Eyes, Invisible Horses, Mess-Maker of the Year, Daddy - You're a Good Helper

I woke up yesterday morning with the dreaded pink eye. I have the medicine for it but my glasses were misplaced when we moved so it's hard for me to treat. I'm SO blind without my contacts on and you can't use the medicine unless they're off. I've been treating one eye at a time so I can at least keep one contact on. Of course, then there's the headache to deal with from only being able to see with one eye. And I have to laugh at myself throughout the day as I do silly things because my depth perception is so off. I could hardly even squeeze toothpaste on the toothbrush this morning. Most of it went in the sink. Me and my eyes.....

Shannon, how did you know we have a whole herd of horses in our garage? You must have heard them stomping their hooves and whinnying. Next time, maybe we'll let you ride one in circles in the driveway. =)

I vacuumed the floor this morning. I put the vacuum away and went downstairs. When I came back up, Aulora had found a cracker and crumbled it into a thousand pieces all over the couch and floor. Typical.

Julia made ANOTHER mess this morning. I guess I haven't even mentioned all the other recent messes - probably because I've been too busy cleaning them up. Today she decided to make Gran's footstool "clean and sparkley" so she put lotion (I guess she thought it was soap) all over the top and scrubbed it with a washcloth. Last night she poured half a bottle of bubble bath in the running water when I stepped out to get Aulora. It took forever to get all the bubbles out of there. Earlier this week she poured (on purpose or accident I don't know) a whole bunch of baby formula powder in the sink. She was supposed to be in bed. The next day she washed her hands in it before I could clean it up and then the powder hardened. That's just a sampling of her mess-making skills. I've never known of a child who makes so many messes. She was spanked today. I'm tired of dealing with 2 year old behavior from a 4 year old. One day I know I'll laugh about it. (Ok, I admit it. I laugh now.) As I've mentioned before, there's a good reason Julia has the nickname "Julia, Julia, Julia the destroyer" (sung to the Dora theme song).

John helped in kids' church today. He did the Life cereal illusion to help with the message. It's the same thing we helped Eowyn do for Fine Arts last year. It went along with the lesson for the day so he was volunteered to do it. =) I didn't even get to watch him in action because of my pinkness. He's also on the schedule to help in the preschool class a few times this quarter. They have 30-40 preschoolers in Julia's class so the parents get to help out. I can't wait to see him in there. It makes me smile to think about it. What a great daddy!


  1. you do have a life . . . one is 7, 4, 16 months and 6 weeks. what a wonderful life!

  2. Love the new background! And I love that you have David Archuleta on your play list! He's already won in my opinion. I love that kid!

  3. i love this look! nice colors! i think it's totally you.
