Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Smile on My Face

I don't know why, but early this morning, while I was still in bed, I remembered something that made me smile. You know that old pick up line that goes something like "Did it hurt?....When you fell from heaven." When John and I were first married we like to change pick up lines so they would compliment ourselves instead of the other one. (Yeah, we're that lame.) John used to always say, "Did it hurt?" Of course I would answer, "Did what hurt?" And he would say, "When I fell from heaven and landed on you." Then we would both laugh and laugh.

That made me smile to myself this morning so I thought I would share so I could have a happy post! =)

I'm taking the kids to our new city today so I'll miss all of you at RTP. I hope it's lots of fun! Whatever will it be like without those two Sullivan children running wildly around? =) Take lots of pictures to share later, please! Especially of A as an egg!


  1. Hi I hope you don't think I have forgotten about this week. I know you are out of town right now. Will you be back Friday? If so can we make plans on friday? I really hope I have not missed a chance to have you guys over. You have been in my thoughts daily. Call me, I know your home phone is still not working, I called. How about your cell? Email me at my work address. I have not had a chance to check my blog lately. Please let me know. I am glad there was a smile on your face. Yall are too funny.

    You should try "Did I shock you... When... when I came out of the supermodel ad and was standing right in front of you"

  2. well, that put a smile on my face. i love "love stories" like that. so funny and simple. the things that you wouldn't normally share because they don't seem "important enough" are usually always the most important.

    love you, la.

  3. Those lines are great. Had me LOL. I must try them on my dh.
