Sunday, February 24, 2008

What a Day

EXHAUSTED! That's what I am right now. This morning began with John being sick. He sucked it up and we all went to church anyway. Shannon was with us and it would have been a bummer to have not gone. He had to leave the service though and came home as soon as church was over because he was throwing up. We went out to lunch without him (hey, I still have to eat) and then came home. By 3 or 4 John David was crying that his stomach hurt. He was so sick and unfortunately missed the bowl on his first round. Yuck. It wasn't long before Julia was sick too. So I took care of 3 sick people, a nursing baby, and a busy 17 month old all day. I got to end my evening with a trip to Walmart because I ran out of diapers for Aulora. At least all of my children are now in bed soundly asleep -two of them with big bowls beside them. =)

On a happier (and not so yucky) note, I had a fantastic time with friends last night and today. It was so wonderful to get to be around some of those I've missed so badly. Love you guys!


  1. Oh, my gosh. You poor poor thing. There is nothing worse than the stomach bug...I am exhausted for you! I will be praying for the very brief version of the bug.

  2. Since I was around you guys, I'm pulling for food poisoning (mild food poisoning) to be what your peeps have.
