Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Aulora the Fish

We took Aulora and Joshua swimming today with the other kids. It's not an effortless thing to take that many children swimming, let me tell you. Fortunately, John David is now a good swimmer and Julia does great with a life jacket on. That still left Aulora and Joshua.

Joshua had trouble deciding at first what he thought about the water. I think he decided he could take it or leave it. Aulora fell asleep on Daddy's back as he was just staying really still in the water but I splashed a little water on her to wake her up. Once she was awake and Daddy started playing with her she had a ball. She was fearless! Daddy threw her up over and over again and would let her go under the water when she came down and she was in heaven! She would hold on to the side of the pool and dunk her face under the water too. It shouldn't be long before she's swimming around in a life jacket like Julia.

I got some pictures and video from today but it will have to wait until I'm not so swamped. Right now, I'm kind of thinking that won't happen until school starts again! I know I'm a clean freak at heart still, but when I look around I start to doubt it. Busy + Small living quarters + 4 kids + tired mommy = a little messy! Most days I do still make the beds and the bathroom stays pretty clean. It's just all the stuff. I can't keep up and I'm busy making summertime memories. I'm pretty sure my kids won't remember having a messy house for a couple of months but they are sure going to remember their fun (I hope!) Mommy!

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