Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My big boys are gone as of this morning. I packed 'em up and shipped 'em out to camp. John David was super excited, John was less so, and I am unashamedly glad for the break. Not a break from them, but a break that goes along with having everyone at home. Also gone to camp are Clay and Sandy and our 12 year old cousin that's been staying here lately. Again, not really needing a break from them so much as just a vacation from being cook and cleaner for that many people.

I realized not long ago that I have an annoying mixture of personalities for my kids at this stage. John David is an aggravator (according to my computer that's a made-up word but whatever) and Julia is a shrieker/screamer/crier. You wouldn't believe what a difference it makes to have those two separated! The quietness is amazing. I even took a 15 minute catnap on the couch while holding Julia today. Heaven!

So while I'm a little apprehensive about my baby boy being away at camp for the first time, I am one happy little camper myself. =)

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