Monday, June 16, 2008

The Test and, uh-oh, that girl is still awake?!?

He did good. Well, he thinks he did anyway. We don't find out his score for 3 weeks and he has only 6 days to cancel the score if he wants to (I said it wrong in my previous post.) So without knowing his score, he has to decide if he wants to keep it. Understandably, he's a little frustrated. But yea for doing good!!!

----Uh, this post is being interrupted. Julia is awake. It's midnight and I said goodnight to them LONG and never heard another peep. She has been awake ALL of this time! Oh my goodness. She's wearing my makeup. I'm afraid to go see what other messes await me. I may need to buy some chains tomorrow at Home Depot to keep her bobo in her bed! This is just ridiculous. She's had no nap and she went swimming twice and played outside most of the late afternoon. How can she NOT BE ASLEEP?????????????????????????????????????????????????


  1. Did you read what my girl did without a nap this weekend and that was just a nap. At least she was quiet mine (well I am surprised you did hear at moments)! LOL So much fun.

  2. It was actually Sunday night when I was coming home when the road was shut down... It was so bad.
