Thursday, July 26, 2007

Forget Joining the Gym

Oh my goodness. Aulora has learned to crawl fast and my life is rapidly changing. There's the million tiny toys that John David and Julia accidentally leave laying around. There's the occasional rollie pollie bug or spider that Aulora inevitably finds first (and of course you know where she puts it).

She is drawn to bathrooms for some reason. This morning she got in my bathroom and was very intent on standing at the side of the tub and grabbing the shampoo bottles. One fell in and then she only wanted that one. Trying to get her out of there was almost impossible because she had a little death grip on the side of the tub and the shower curtain. She ended up falling in head first. Don't worry, she wasn't hurt. I was standing right there watching her. I warned her she was going to get hurt and not to come crying to me when she did. =) She didn't want to listen.

She is also very fond of shoes. If you know me then you know how this affects me (or maybe I should say how it affects my heart). She finds them no matter where they may be hidden. She has some kind of superhero shoe finding radar.

And then there's my fireplace. I never had a problem with my other two and the fireplace but I think this time is going to be different. So don't laugh if you come to my house and I have some weird contraption rigged around the edge of my brick fireplace.

On a more positive note, this is probably the weight loss and exercise program I've been needing. Would anyone like to borrow her for 30 minutes 3 times a week? I promise my rates will be cheaper than any of the health clubs in town. =)

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