Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall Sale

The Just Between Friends sale is coming back next month. The spring sale was ok - not too great because word just hadn't got out enough. (I'm not going to complain though because I made lots of money on that one!) Check out the website to get all the details. I'm getting tubs and tubs of stuff ready for this sale. If you know of a mom who's having a baby girl, I can tell you that she will not want to miss this stuff. I bought soooo many pretty boutique things for my girls and now it's time to say goodbye to it all. =( Stuff I'm taking is mostly sizes 0-6 months with a few exceptions.



  1. If you were me, and you weren't going to have another child for three years, at least, would you sell some of your baby girl things at a sale like this? Because even if you had another baby girl, you could buy her new clothes at that time, and this would be a way to make money because the baby girl you have now has 10 million pieces of clothing? Of course, in this scenario, I would be keeping her most special things...


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmmm...I don't know. I sold lots of Julia's things from 0-12 months and although it was fun to get to buy Aulora a lot of new things, it would have been nice to have everything I sold.

    But - first need, first serve may be appropriate here. If you really need the money and there's lots of money tied up in her clothes then maybe you should. It's hardly worth it to sell little things you might have bought at Walmart or Target since you won't get much back, but if you have super expensive things then maybe so.

    Also, consider Ebay as an alternative. I'll make less on the clothes through this sale than I would with Ebay but I have soooo much and it will take far less time (no taking pictures, listing, and shipping) and I won't make too much less. You'll get top dollar on Ebay if you list it right - you just have to have the time.

    If Ellie had born just a few months later, she would be perfect for all of Aulora's outgrown stuff. Why didn't you plan better???

  4. We will be going for sure. I am going to put some items in also. N. is finally ready to let me get rid of F's old clothes. I almost want another little girl just so I can buy up all of your baby clothes...but not quite.

  5. OK, thanks! I just wanted to make sure this was a real person leaving comments, not some crazy Internet stalker. Does this person have a blog address?

  6. Some lucky person will be inheriting the coveted girl clothes...
    I'm with meems. Some tiny part of me wants to have another one just to scoop up the deal - an eyebrow hair - I guess I'll have to do some plucking before the sale...

    Lucky, lucky dog...

  7. what? you don't blog anymore? what's the deal?

  8. you have to consult your blog community to quit. these are the rules. it's been almost a week, and your last blog had no bearing on my life at all. come on now!
