Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Tonight was our last youth service. It's still fresh in my mind so it's sweet yet painful. I wanted to capture my thoughts before I forget them.

We have so many memories - some bad, but most of them good. We got to see 2 whole classes all the way from 7th grade to 12th grade. It's hard to leave some of them at the beginning of their senior year.

Tonight, we had one last time of praise and worship together. Of course, we sang Montana (I think that's how it's spelled) - the spanish song about how our faith can move mountains and everyone gets to dance. How many years have we done that song??? And we did History Maker, which now holds new meaning since it talks about being a speaker of truth to all mankind. We're on a mission to be truth speakers, you know.

Jeremy Lopez spoke some encouraging things to the teens. Then they were supposed to have a roast, but I don't think any of those teenagers were old enough to know what a roast is. So instead, they all ended up speaking loving words, special memories, funny stories, and reasons why they loved Pastor John so much. I know he's not perfect - he knows that too - but he really does love those kids. And they know it too. It was hard not to cry as big teenage boys got up and spoke about how they had never had a father figure in their life until they met John. Or when a girl would say that he was the reason they started coming back to church. And it was amazing how big a role fine arts played in so many of their lives. I don't think we even realized it at the time.

I hate goodbyes and I wish we could just skip all of this part really. The hugs are good and you want some last memories, but it hurts too much. Part of me just wants to pack it up and go right now so all of this hard part can be over.

I can't imagine what our lives would be like if not for these seven wonderful years we've had here with our "kids". They've frustrated and exasperated us time and time again, but eventually it's always worth it when you see what wonderful people they become. Not that we get to take all that credit. Some of them have parents that played a big role (although it's sad how many of them do not have parents that are involved in their lives) and of course there's God. But just to know that we had some part of what they have become and are still becoming is a good feeling.

Ministry is so hard. Lots of times it stinks. The money's not great and the hours are ridiculous many times. People are always at your door or on your phone. You're not allowed to be human, and if you are then people are offended. Then there's the people who don't think they can be your friends because you're the high and mighty, holy and anointed youth pastors. (Ok, that's just funny. Do you know what youth pastors do? Have you seen the games we play???) The point is, it's not easy. BUT....

I wouldn't trade these seven years for anything else. We have grown. We have found beautiful friendships. God has blessed us in so many ways that it's hard to even think about the hardships of it all. It's so worth all of it. John has said for seven years that he has the best job in the world. I often just looked at him like he was smoking crack. But he was right. We really did have the best job in the world. What wonderful memories we're taking with us.......


  1. I really can't believe you guys are leaving. It's just sad.

    I am happy for you guys, and your ministry. But it's so sad that you are leaving.

    Your new life is going to be just awesome. I know that God is going to bless you guys greatly.

  2. I just told my daughter we had a good cry and we said that this blog would keep as close right????? or will you not have internet??? Please don't say that because I don't want to miss out of what goes on in your life because you can't blog. We will miss you!!!

  3. All I have are tears...there are no words...

  4. Everywhere you go you will land yourself directly in people's hearts.
    You have been a blessing beyond compare to those who have known and loved you - and those who will soon get the opportunity to befriend you, will have a blessing in friendship like never before.

    I am confident that no matter where you are, your life will speak Jesus. A strong, steady current of God's love is the testimony of your life.

    I am sorry for the pain of being torn away from those you love - be mindful of what will be reaped at harvesttime.

    Just think - 7 years ago, you made the journey of a lifetime with your new husband and your first child in your womb. Small, unsteady footsteps - uncertain of the future, full of trust in a good, good God.
    7 years later, you now call that strange land 'home' and are set to make the journey again - with a quiver full of kids and a heart filled with wonderful memories of the blessings of God. He has been with you. He will remain a constant in this uncertain time. Of that, you can be certain.
    Go with God.

  5. Listen for God's voice, his word, his touch and his little tiny nudges. He loves you so much and has a work for you. You will be missed so much, but when you go in God's will, it's ALLLLL ok!

  6. I just want to thank you La, for all You did for our children's church. Hannah just loves you to pieces. You are the reason she was comfortable going into children's church. I don't know if you knew that. She loves you dearly. She doesn't always transition easy. You helped her make that step.

    There are no words to say. you will always have a special place in my heart, because you touched my daughter's life.

  7. I love you too, and will miss you so much. You are always a sweet breath of air. Thanks for all you have done for this body of Christ. Your touch will be ever lasting...
