Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tonight's Enemy - Ham

For dinner tonight we had brown sugar ham, mashed potatoes, veggies, and rolls. It was yummy good. We all thought so except for, you guessed it, Julia. She did eat all of her potatoes. I'll give her that. But she was so not thrilled with the one little bite of ham that I placed on her plate for her to try. She stared at that ham. She poked at it. I think she even snarled at it.

After a while, I told her there was a party in her tummy. Then I made the ham start crying because it wanted to go to the party too. Boo hoo hoo. (Thanks A and Yo Gabba Gabba for this great trick. If only it worked.) As soon as that ham started crying, she took her roll and smothered the ham so it would be quiet. Obviously, the ham was not on the invite list for this party. Poor ham.

We told her she had to try a bite. Blah blah blah. (I don't want to sound like a broken record since I've posted about this before.) She finally got too tired and asked to go to bed. I told her she could but that ham would be for breakfast in the morning. I intend to stick to it too. What a lovely morning I know I'm going to have. Force feeding a 3 year old leftover ham. Don't you want to come???


  1. actually I would love to come....
    entertainment value...priceless.


    I hope goes well.

  2. awww. i always feel horrible for forcing dime to eat stuff she doesn't like, but i still do it. =P. i wish i knew about those little tricks before, maybe they would've worked on her.

  3. remember what I told you about my ham what am adventure!

  4. Man, I would love for someone, anyone, to place brown sugar ham, potatoes, veggies, and rolls in front of my face. It would be gone so fast...and yes, there would definitely be a party in my tummy. Lol. What a funny trick. Maybe Julia's a vegetarian? Or is meat not the only thing she refuses to eat?

  5. I am so glad I am not the only dork who has discovered Yo Gabba Gabba and sings the songs! This show is oddly entertaining to me.
