Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Progress Report

I am so incredibly frustrated, aggravated, and upset right now. I should probably take a few minutes to calm down, but blogging is how I'm going to calm down this time.

I just picked up John David from school and in his folder was his progress report. Now, I'm not stupid or naive - I don't expect that he will come home with glowing reports on everything and 100's in every subject, but this is getting ridiculous. He's making an 80 in reading. Have you heard my child read? His teacher has even commented on what an amazing reader he is for his age. We do his reading homework every night too, so what in the world is that about? And a 70 in spelling. He's never made less than an 80 on a test and we turn in his spelling practice sheet every day. I just don't understand the low grades when we do homework and the papers he brings home are 80 or above - usually in the high 90's.

Then, what really ticks me off is the comment the teacher left in the space provided. "Interesting child." That's it. Even when a child is horrible, aren't you supposed to come up with something nice to say? And good grief, my child is not horrible. His name has only gone on the board once or twice in the last 2 weeks.

If we were staying here the rest of the year, I would have already scheduled a conference with his teacher to see what's going on. As it is, I really just want to pull him out after this week and homeschool for one month until we move.

I don't want to be one of those parents who has an awful child but doesn't even know it. I'm perfectly aware that his behavior isn't always pristine, but I just keep thinking to myself - Is he really THAT bad? If he were that bad wouldn't he be going to the office or at least getting his name on the board? I just don't get it. I want my son to have a teacher who thinks more highly of him than, "Man, that child is interesting."

I truly hope that we will find a better school situation when we move.....


  1. Well, I'm sure that Beethoven and Renoir and Einstein's teachers all thought they were interesting, too. And they truly were.

  2. yes, you are supposed to come up with a nice comment, and i know that it wouldn't take any imagination to come up with something wonderful to say about john david. that is terrible. i think this teacher might need to explain herself, regardless of the fact that you will only be there one more month. figure out what on earth is going on with that woman. geez.

    i'm sorry that has happened. i'm mad and i'm not even john david's mother.

    i'm praying for you and john david and his teacher. i hope everything works out okay.

  3. i would at least have her explain the grades and ask her to see his daily grades. that way you can see how his average came out to be an 80. i would definitely ask about the spelling.

    the last time i checked, the average isn't supposed to be lower than the daily grades. maybe there are some grades that she has never sent home.

    these grades will go on to the next school in his permanent file. so i would check it out.

    john david is a delightful young man. i would never give a comment like that without an explanation.

  4. Just a thought...John David is being raised in a Christian home, and that is probably known by his teacher. Since kids will copy the life view of their parents at that age, maybe he is unconsciously being a breath of the Lord in the classroom. She may be reacting to Jesus in him...which wouldn't be a bad thing, maybe?

  5. I would also make sure that the grades were corrected because like KP said they will go with him to the next school and that is what they will look. You want the best to go with him to the next school so that it is not a rocky start!!! hope things get better and I missed you at library. But it was packed to the rafter. I also need to drop by sometimes so tell me went a good time is!

  6. As an experienced teacher myself (a whole two years), I would definitely go and talk to her and see what's going on. In her defense, she may be able to offer you some insight as to why she wrote that strange comment.

    Also, numbers are numbers. They can't be argued on paper. You have proof. If the grades don't match up (yours and hers), then you and the teacher need to figure out why. I would encourage you to do this, regardless of the move. She may be able to explain herself, she may point out some things that need addressed...or...she just may be plain crazy.

    I would definitely find out.

  7. well, I guess it's better than "You're child is weird" ;)

    Definately communicate with the teacher about your concerns.

    As a Christian parent myself, the worldly teachers often don't know how to interpret Christian children! We've had to deal with several worldly teachers, ourselves. Hang in there, though. And remember not to put too much or too many expectations on J.D. that he'll never be able to meet. (like being perfect) He's only 7. ;)
