Wednesday, April 16, 2008

All My Ex's Live In Texas.....(Am I the only one who knows that song?)

I found out last weekend that the only other serious boyfriend I ever had besides John is moving back to my hometown. Not only is he moving back but he's going to be on staff at my home church. And he's going to be at the wedding. Weird. I haven't talked to him for almost 10 years but it still makes me uncomfortable. We were convinced when we were together that we were going to get married. It wasn't the best break-up (I still think my dad threatened him to break things off!) and I was in "mourning" for a long time. Obviously, I got over him and moved on with my life (quite nicely if you ask me), but I still just think it will be super weird to see him. I'm totally wishing I had worked harder to lose all the baby weight now. hahahaha. Oh well. I'll just show off my trophy husband and baby. =)


  1. hehehe.
    You do have a very beautiful family.
    Your a hottie I wouldn't worry to much about the wedding.
    I love this post. So funny.

  2. trophy husband??? did you remarry or something and I missed it??? ;P lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

    at least you have "trophy kids".

  3. ps: ...that's why I hang my hat in Tenessee!!! yes, i know that song. R was a 'billy when I met him, but I straightened that out. lol

  4. Ummm, I think I met him today. We went to TC today with Bill and Nancy H. and he was introduced to us as the new staff member over MC.

