Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Cop Who Saw a Bird

Once a week, John David's teacher requires them to write a story using the words from their weekly spelling list. I thought I would share the story he wrote this week:

The Cop Who Saw a Bird

"Once there was a cop who saw a bird singing. It sang and sang. And the next day the mother came and said back off, you Big Flea Bag. The next day the mother bird got hurt and the baby bird was sad. Then the cop took care of it."

First of all, I never said he was a brilliant writer. Second of all, NO, John and I do NOT call each other Big Flea Bags. I don't know where he learned that nor why he chose to use it. I told him not to write things like that again. He thought it was incredibly funny though and simply could not understand why using such terminology isn't a good idea. I admit, I had a really hard time not laughing as I read this out loud in front of him. Boys.........

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