Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Bet She Learned Her Lesson

Julia has been begging to make cookies since Saturday and today I finally gave in. I love baking but 1)I don't have a lot of extra time for it these days and 2)baking does not exactly help me in my quest for thinness - I know, it's a mystery to me too.

Anyway, she was thrilled to finally be a chef and happily did whatever I asked of her. She always loves to taste the batter and was having a hard time waiting for that moment. I told her that we had to wait until we had mixed everything in, but apparently she didn't want to take my word for it. I turned to put an ingredient away and heard the distinct (and if you're a mother, horrible) sound of gagging. I turned back around to see the poor child trying to scrape flour, baking powder, salt and other powdery type things out of her mouth. It was hard not to feel sorry for her but hey, maybe one day she'll learn to listen.......

What are the odds today is that day?

I can wish, can't I???


  1. I'm right their with you. Let me know if she actually did learn her lesson and I will feed some flour to Faith:)

  2. Has she always been such a handful for you??? I have to tell you...those stories on the sidebar absolutely crack me up.

    You're in my prayers, La! ;)
