Monday, August 11, 2008

The Librarian is In

Last week, as I was cleaning one of my contacts before putting it in, it tore right in half. I guess the beginning of the rip was what I thought was fuzz in my eye all day. That was my last pair of contacts until my new ones come in. It could be up to another 10 days or so before they arrive. Ehhhhhhh. So my choices are:
  • blindness (not really an option with four kids)
  • one contact on (this option includes headaches and HORRIBLE depth perception issues - not good when you're carrying babies up and down stairs all day!)
  • wear my glasses
Dum dum dummmmmmm...........

So of course, the only real choice I have is wearing my glasses. If you only knew how much I despised wearing them. I used to choose blindness when I was in school because I hated the way I looked in my big fat coke bottle glasses. Even with the new technology for thin lenses, mine are almost half an inch thick. You think I'm kidding. I wish I was.

When I reached the 6th grade, I guess my parents thought I was old enough to handle wearing contacts. Other than passing out when the lady at the optometrist's office put them in my eyes for the first time, it was awesome! I could finally see and not look like a big nerd - all at the same time. Life was good.

Well, I'm back at square one again. Lucky for me, my husband thinks I look like a hot librarian. I think I would need the chain attached to them to complete that look.

Here are some things you non-glasses-wearing-people don't even think about:
  • removing anything from the oven causes immediate vision loss since glasses fog up every time
  • showering is difficult at best - they fog, they get splattered in water, they slide off my nose
  • jogging sends them bouncing up and down and all around (speaking of jogging, I forgot to mention that the last two times we've gone out, we've had company. a possum the first time and a skunk the second!)
  • holding a baby is near impossible because their chubby little hands grab nonstop for that weird new thing on mommy's face
  • waking up in the middle of the night to read the clock requires way more energy since you have to first find your glasses in the dark and put them on
  • wearing glasses in the intense heat makes my eyes hot - they suffocate. air people, I need air
  • I have to read blogs through my children's fingerprints - it doesn't matter how often I clean them, my glasses always have their paw prints on them
  • how in the world am I supposed to put make-up on???
I'm sure I could go on for quite some time. Perhaps my time would be better spent researching laysic eye surgery......

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