Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Queen is In

Julia had to get her final 2 shots today - she was supposed to get 5 before but they were out of 2 (mercifully) so we went back today. She did so great all week and all morning and the whole way there and during all the waiting for the nurse to come in. We were looking forward to strawberry ice cream from Braum's when she was done. When the shots were in sight though, she started pulling away and crying. I had to hold her arm down for one shot on each side. Oh the screams and the wails. My ears are still ringing.

On the way to Braum's we had to listen to how her arms were broken and she couldn't do anything except eat ice cream and play a computer game. (all said in a very whiny, grouchy voice of course.) The much anticipated strawberry ice cream bombed when she discovered, get ready for it........strawberries! "WHY ARE THERE STRAWBERRIES IN MY STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM???" she wanted to know. I am also not allowed to drive fast when her arms have shots in them as that hurts them.

She is currently sitting in an empty box, shirtless with a cold washcloth on each arm while watching her Rolie Polie Olie movie. I love Rolie Polie Olie right now. He's given me my first moments of peace all day!

On top of all of that madness, Aulora now has strep throat also. I at least caught it early enough that she didn't get too bad off before starting antibiotics. Now if I can just keep everyone else from getting it! As far as the strawberry ice cream goes, Aulora thought it was great. She ate every bite of hers - except the strawberry hunk that fell down in her car seat.....


  1. my sister once threw a fit because her cheeseburger came with cheese...
