Monday, August 06, 2007

As A Matter Fact, I Do!

Over the last few weeks or so, it has come to my attention that many people do not know that I teach piano lessons. So now you know. =) Let your friends know too if they're looking for someone. I have business cards available. I started teaching when I was 16 and have been teaching since then with the exception of about 2 years. If you've ever heard Ashley R. play sometime after church in the sanctuary then you've heard a sample of my "work". She's been my student since she was about 12. Anyway, lessons start back up on August 27th......


  1. HI!!!!
    What age do you recommend starting?
    Youngest? How much are you an hour?

  2. Beautiful, organized, and yes, she even teaches piano! Perfect in Every way! We love you, Lori Poppins!!!!
    Can you share some of your organizational skills with me? I practically wrote the book on Organized Chaos! :)

  3. Beautiful, organized, and yes, she even teaches piano! Perfect in Every way! We love you, Lori Poppins!!!!
    Can you share some of your organizational skills with me? I practically wrote the book on Organized Chaos! :)

  4. The youngest I recommend is 5. They need to know their ABC's for sure. Some people say start younger and you can do that, but it's usually VERY slow going when they are younger. So I say 5.

    It's $40 per month with discounts for multiple children from the same family......

    And I'm so cool because that's the way Jesus made me. =)

  5. 3 more years. I don't want to wait 3 more years. If you say so. I suppose I will. I hope by then I still have access to the 'great' La.
