Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Bag Lady

Yesterday, at Walmart, I had a cashier I've never had before. She was nice but she had a strange habit. This girl double bagged EVERYTHING. This was annoying for several reasons. 1) Do you know how much longer this takes? I had 2 little girls who were very much ready to LEAVE. 2) This can't be good for the whole environment situation. I'm not too up on all that but I just figure it's a big waste. 3) She not only double-bagged stuff, she put only a couple of things in each bag. This meant more bags to carry into the house and longer to get them all out of bags.

I kind of laughed and said she must have had a bad experience with a bag breaking one time. But no, she said she just likes to do it that way. "It makes the bags lighter when you double bag." That's what she said. Scale someone? I'm no math wizard, but come on. Two bags are lighter than one? The bag lady also put little things into little bags and tied them up and then put them in larger bags. Wow. I just stood there in amazement. I had no more words to say.

So that's your warning. Watch out for the bag lady at Walmart. If you have time, and you want some entertainment, go for it. Otherwise, find another line.


  1. No really, I had the bag lady last time I went too! I thought I was the only one anal enough to care about that stuff!! Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy!
    I actually went as far as to remove the 3 things from one bag and combine them with another 2 item bag. She looked at me as if I had spit in her eye. I said, "Well, you wanna help me unload 40 gazillion bags when I get home? hehe"
    She did not laugh. I felt like a jerk. Yes, the bag lady takes her job very seriously...

  2. That's too funny! Next time, get her name and let the managers know.
    1. this is a huge waste! (environment & all)
    2. this is a huge time consumer
    (and yes, she gets paid by the hour, not the bag)
    3. it annoys the customers (and annoyed customers WILL go somewhere else, eventually)

    As a Wal-Mart employee's spouse: Job Security is highly important! lol

  3. o.k. am i the only one who uses these bags for my smaller trash cans as liners? i love it when we get those bags. we also use them when we go out of town for our dirty clothes so we don't have to put dirty stinky clothes in with our clean clothes.

    i always knew i was a little "special".

  4. Poor, poor, innocent bag lady. I say, you guys are mean.

    Mean, mean A. and La.

  5. That is crazy! I am the most impatient person when things like that happen...I have to really pray hard so that I don't say something very unchristian like.Ha! She must be OCDC or something! Poor lady.

  6. I use the bags for can liners, too, but, good grief, with the bag lady one trip will set you for the year!
