Thursday, August 02, 2007

X's and Checks

John was reading through my blog last night for the first time in awhile since he's been so busy and out of town a lot. When he read the post about the kids' new charts, he said, "Wow. She gets x's on her chart!" Some lightbulb seemed to have gone off in his head and he quickly went out to the van and came back in. He showed me the score card from their golf game on Tuesday. (The kids both like to go with Daddy whenever he gets to play.) He said that the whole time they were playing she seemed to understand his score card. Whenever he missed the fairway he would mark an x in the box. Julia would get very upset, frown and say, "No, Daddy! We don't want an x! Do better!" And if his ball landed in the fairway, he would put a check in the box. "Yea, Daddy! That's good! You got a check!" He just couldn't figure out how she knew when he was doing good and bad.....


  1. LoL. That's hilarious. And so, so, cute.

  2. Yeah, my husband is kinda hot, isn't he? ;o) Speaking of good-looking, let's talk about your kids. OH MY GOODNESS!! First off, I was blown away when I saw you had a third baby. And wow. You and John really know how to make cute kiddos. Aulora is beautiful! She has your eyes!

  3. It's bad when even your toddler knows you're having a bad game. Now that is a really bad game!

  4. you should take J bowling! that would really shake her "x & /" world!!! lol
